Shang-ri La Yunnan, China
Here I'm in Shangri-La and watching a group of sightseers and locals spin one of the worlds largest prayer wheels. It was so huge and a pretty interesting place to see. More videos and vlogs on my youtube channel, check them out and please subscribe, new content added weekly!
After exploring the prayer wheel, we checked out the surrounding area and ate some BBQ'ed Yak meet. At least that's what they told us it was. We got to spend a while sitting with some local ladies and warming up by their wood stove.
Blue Moon Valley, Shangri la Yunnan
Prayer wheels alongside the approach, and then the temple in Blue Moon Valley, Shangri la Yunnan. Then we took a gondola lifts to the next location higher up the mountain, and we got to use our canned oxygen, but not really necessary.
Lugu Lake
For more adventure travel videos of China check out my YouTube Channel!
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